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Partner, Building Physics

Kimberley Mason

Kimberley Mason is a Partner and an Engineer, with a degree in Civil Engineering and an MSc in Architecture Engineering: Environmental Design. Kimberley heads up the Building Physics and Performance Engineering group, who work on optimising the Building Performance of a wide range of projects, providing intelligent advice for meeting various sustainability and low carbon targets. She works on a varied range of assessments, from large scale residential overheating analyses to operational energy assessments in line with London Plan or NABERS, with sustainability at the core of all work her team does.

With a deep passion for the environment, both natural and built, Kimberley aims to help reduce the negative environmental impact of buildings by assisting designs in becoming more sustainable, low energy and low carbon, while benefitting both the environment and the building’s occupants. She has a particular interest in innovative, “green” and passive design strategies, and is a Certified Passivhaus Consultant.